Monday, October 26, 2020

Oct 26 - 31

Monday - lessons for S&N, C scale and slow Waltz for me

Tuesday - practiced with Sophi and Natalie - sight reading, and then Sophi and I did scales, happy farmer, and started gavotte, and Natalie and I practiced Allegretto and Andantino. Later I did a little bit of Waltz
Wednesday - nothing :( busy cleaning and reogranizing bedrooms most of the day, I didn't follow through with the girls. 
Thurs - Sat - didn't record it and cant's remember

Monday, October 19, 2020

Oct 19 - 24

 Monday - I practiced Waltz for almost an hour and then went for my own lesson and it was so fun, yay, I like violin. During the next month, I'm going to work on setting the bow on Hunters Chorus, on doing "sticky slurs" on Gavotte and Hunter's Chorus, and work on vibrato on the Minuets, Chorus, and Waltz. Also, getting deeper into the string but while using the whole bow, go deep from the elbow but at the same time being aware that the shoulder, elbow, and wrist all work together. Also going to work on some Schradeick techniques on A string - 

It was really fun, I liked having a whole hour to go deep playing, deeper than I usually had with the 5 min jump in lessons I had before. I playing violin!

Tuesday - waltz
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - review with Natalie and Sophi, Waltz
Friday - Waltz, review with Natalie, tried to keep tone even/constant through the whole length of the bow as we did Allegretto
Saturday - C scale and arpeggios, Waltz, review with S, very slow on Minuet 3, Gavotte 1500 part, N didn't practice

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Oct 12 - 17

Monday - scales with playlist, lessons today, From 8-9 tonight, I did scales and arpeggios with my violin playlist, then a review of everything, had to try a few times with Mussette and Gavotte. Gavotte is killing me! I might record a little video recital anyway even though I can't do that one, I will keep trying, but I also want to feel like I can officially move on from Book 1

Tuesday - Musette and Gavotte
Wednesday - review with Sophi
Thursday - good practice and review with Sophi and Natalie
Friday - review
Saturday - lots of Waltz slow practice, it was really fun!

Monday, October 5, 2020

Oct 5 - 10

 Monday - Review with girls, scales, sight reading

Tuesday - Review all, Musette
Wednesday - Sophi yes, N no
Thursday - Minuet 3 with Sophi, Gavotte, N no practice
Friday - Musette, Gavotte, Waltz
Saturday -

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Sept 29 - Oct 3

Monday - girls lesson, I'm going to take a full lesson for myself once a month

Tuesday - review with girls, lots of mussette, slow Gavotte for 20 minutes, Sophi and I working on the 1500x part from Gavotte 15 x super slow each day

Wednesday - just updating the blog here today, sorry I missed the past two weeks. I have been practicing, not as much as I'd like, but doing ok considering. I'm taking a full lesson on Oct 12, working to have each piece polished the best I can by then, we'll see if I get to Waltz

Thursday - 
Friday - 
Saturday -